Mission Purpose of Knight’s Round Table
The mission of the Knight’s Round Table is to serve as a vehicle in extending the operation and principles of wisdom, love and the rule of God Almighty into the marketplaces of the world.
Central to this purpose is the mission of releasing business people into the walk of God’s Kingdom; helping release the anointing into their respective businesses, and redeeming businesses, business people and finances for a higher purpose through the outward manifestation of an inward walk of faith. Also central to this mission is the networking and mobilizing of Kingdom entrepreneurs, executives, educational and governmental leaders into the purposeful, strategic, global Kingdom initiatives underway in our day

The Vision
The Knight’s Round Table represents a serious and challenging call to the Business World, to recognize the times we have entered into and in the light of that recognition, to come into a new dimension of faith available to those who fear the Lord… speak to one another… and meditate on His Name.” (Malachi 3:16)
The vision calls for a world-wide network of committed business people in contact with each other, exchanging ideas, products and services; helping sustain and strengthen each other physically and spiritually
The Kingdom Focus
The Kingdom focus begins with the fact that there is a “Kingdom of God” and there is an arena of darkness. The Kingdom of God is a ruling force superior in every way to the principalities of darkness. Likewise when God created man, he gave man dominion over the earth. Adam relinquished man’s dominion by disobedience. Redemption and restoration of man’s dominion over the earth, as well as his reconciliation with God, was made possible by Jesus. Jesus announced His earthly ministry with the words, “the Kingdom of God is at hand.” There is a higher order and way of doing things that comes from an understanding and acceptance into our lives of the Kingdom perspective.
A significant distinctive of the KRT is that the Kingdom focus is being brought to the forefront in the marketplace, the place of business, education and governmental decisions. KRT operates on the premise that there is a unique contrast between one who merely professes Christianity in the marketplace, compared to one who actually brings God’s Kingdom rule and reign into his or her business activity. The Kingdom perspective begins with acknowledging that it is possible to operate in God’s Kingdom rule on the earth here and now. The Kingdom can be all embracing and can guide every area of our personal and business lives.
The Kingdom of God deals with the priorities we set within our everyday activities, business, family and community – based on our obedience to the principles, initiatives, and agendas that come from the throne-room of God. Jesus said we should pray that His Kingdom come and His will be done here on earth as it is in Heaven. This requires unrestrained obedience to God’s purposes and principles in the operation and decision-making process of our business activities. The Kingdom focus illuminates the Biblical principles that release God’s blessing.
The Kingdom focus places great significance on the role of the Person of the Holy Spirit, as well as the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Kingdom focus involves a distinct difference in the business executive or business owner’s attitudes and utilization of money, people and power. This difference in attitude evolves from spending consistent time in the presence of the Lord. This Kingdom focus – in essence God’s perspective – is strategic and becomes the guiding force for daily decisions.
Becoming a genuine Kingdom Ambassador requires the obedience needed to receive the authority to actively and consistently direct God’s power, and to exercise dominion here on earth, as was God’s design for our lives from the beginning. God’s word reveals clearly that His Blessing is directly correlated to operating in obedience to His Kingdom principles.